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От издателя об этом LP:
Erik Truffaz is one of the most brilliant musicians of his generation. A prime world jazz reference, his style is often compared to that of Miles Davis. His music is driven by fusion and sonic discovery. With his new project Rollin' he revisits and adds his unique touch to some of the greatest musical pieces of the golden age of cinema, including 'La Casse' starring Jean-Paul Belmondo, 'La Strada' directed by Fellini, One SilverDollar' featuring Marilyn Monroe… The idea was for Erik Truffaz to un-play film music. Soundtracks are a delicate affair for musicians. They represent the skin of a film, its ill-defined soul and in the worst screenplays they can constitute only decors for sentiments & feelings and do hardly more than elevate the story.
So Erik Truffaz went off to rummage through his film-fan memories, his souvenirs from when he sat in a darkened cinema as a child or a teenage lover, and he organized this jazz tribute to the celluloid that it illuminates.
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